
There’s a blog I really enjoy following that has a day every week in which parents can brag about the “Full of AWESOME” thing their kid did. I used to really enjoy reading that feature, and even once rather saucily posted that my kid was born kicking and screaming despite being 16 weeks early. Today, I was thinking of that feature and thought, you know, I have done full of awesome things FOR my kid, and I can brag about those here :). K and I made 12 tiny hats, one for each month of the year, that we’ll be delivering to the hospital around Anderson’s due date. We learned to knit by his bedside, and found we really enjoyed the methodical nature and the fact that we could watch TV at night and still feel like we were doing something productive and good at the same time. Above is one of the hats (the sizes vary) that we’ll be dropping off next week. Too cute, right? 🙂

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